Huwebes, Hulyo 30, 2015

Breakthrough could bring 1,000 times faster flash storage with much longer lifespan to iPhone

Intel 3D XPoint Die image 001

Chip makers Intel and Micron today announced a major breakthrough in memory process technology which promises to increase the performance of NAND flash chips by a factor of 1,000.

The name of this game-changing technology is 3D Xpoint, pronounced as “crosspoint”. Not only does it enable 1,000 times faster performance, but has up to 1,000X greater endurance than NAND flash and is 10X denser than conventional memory.

By comparison, today’s solid state drives typically offer between a hundred to up to a thousand times faster seek times versus traditional hard drive technology. Just don’t count on Intel’s new ultra-fast flash storage appearing in the next iPhone because a claimed logic board for an ‘iPhone 6s’ shows 19-nanometer flash memory chips by Toshiba.... Read the rest of this post here

"Breakthrough could bring 1,000 times faster flash storage with much longer lifespan to iPhone" is an article by
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