Martes, Hulyo 7, 2015

At long last, Instagram is increasing photo resolution to a sharper 1,080-by-1,080 pixels

Instagram 7.0 for iOS iPhone screenshot 002

I love Instagram but have always had a first-world problem with its paltry photo resolution. In today’s age of ultra-crisp mobile screens, 640-by-640 pixel images just don’t cut it anymore. Well, it took only a couple of years but Instagram just announced that it is rolling out support for bigger, crisper images on both iOS and Android.

“We’re rolling out 1080×1080 uploads (and higher-quality viewing) for Instagram on iOS and Android,” Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger wrote in a tweet today.

The company’s iPhone application wasn’t updated today with support for uploading and viewing crisper photos so it’s likely a silent update on Instagram’s servers. The official company blog did not share details about the sharper photography experience at post time.... Read the rest of this post here

"At long last, Instagram is increasing photo resolution to a sharper 1,080-by-1,080 pixels" is an article by
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