Huwebes, Pebrero 18, 2016

Concept: dual-camera iPhone 7 Plus and pink iPhone 5se with iPhone 6-style design

iPhone 5se iPhone 7 concept Curved image 001

The rumor-mill cannot agree whether a rumored 'iPhone 5se' is going to feature a refined iPhone 5s design or an iPhone 6-style look with smoothly rounded corners and curved screen edges.

Be that as it may, German magazine has taken upon itself to envision what the iPhone 5se might look like should Apple streamline its handset lineup around the current iPhone 6/6s look and feel.

As a bonus, they've also done some intriguing renditions of what a next-generation 'iPhone 7' and a dual-camera 'iPhone 7 Plus' might look like, based on the rumors that have been floating around. Check out the images and tell us what you think in the comments.... Read the rest of this post here

"Concept: dual-camera iPhone 7 Plus and pink iPhone 5se with iPhone 6-style design" is an article by
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