Martes, Oktubre 13, 2015

10 Tweetbot tips for power users

Tweetbot 4 for iOS app icon small

Tweetbot 4 is one of the best Twitter clients for the iPhone that money can buy. It’s always been a solid client, but new long-awaited features were added to the 4th iteration that’s really brought the app back to the Twitter app throne.

Many of us have been using Tweetbot since it first appeared on iOS, and as such, we’ve become quite accustomed to all of the shortcuts and gestures that allow us to use the app in the most efficient way possible.

If you’re new to Tweetbot, then this list of 10 tips will help bring you up to speed. But even if you’ve been using Tweetbot since day one, you may find a tip or two in this list that you weren’t aware of. Watch the video, and let me know if any of the following 10 tips are new to you.... Read the rest of this post here

"10 Tweetbot tips for power users" is an article by
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